Find Your Number

Arithmetically build a math sequence to share information

Objective: The goal is for every player to determine their number.


  • It is a turn based game, the youngest player starts, and turns proceed clockwise.
  • Each person has a unique number between 1 and 50. You know everyone’s number except your own.
  • The team wins if everyone successfully guesses their own number
  • On a given turn, you can do as many of the below as you’d like:
    • Guess your own number.
      • If guessed correctly, the game continues with the remaining players.
      • As a team, if someone guesses incorrectly, you all lose.
    • Roll two dice and perform an arithmetic operation using the two values to change the base.
      • E.g., if the base is currently 12, and you roll a 4 and a 6, the new base can be 14 (12 + 6 - 4) for the next player
    • Give one hint (among a maximum of four previously agreed upon hints).
      • Players should meet beforehand to give meaning to each hint, e.g. “plus_one” could mean “the current value of base is 1 bigger than some player’s value”
    • Point to someone
  • There are two rounds of gameplay, after which the game ends.
  • Note that you can only guess your number on your turn, so earlier players may not be able to go twice.
  • As with most cooperative games, come up with a convention, i.e. a strategy the team players follow, before playing.