Team Averages
Sync with your partner or break the other team
(Before reading this, familiarity with the game averages is expected)
Objective: In this variation, 4 players split into 2 teams of 2. The team with the most points total wins; you can either play for a set number of rounds or the first team to reach a certain number of points.
- The game is composed of rounds, which are started by every player saying a random word at the same time.
- Once everyone thinks of another word (which should associate either between your team’s words or your opponents), everyone says their new word and points at someone.
- Once someone says the same word as the person that they are pointing at, then the round ends, and one point per player who said the same word as the person they are pointing at is added to the team.
- Note that you don’t necessarily have to point to your teammate!